Weather Visualization as a Service

Ready-to-use solution for interactive weather visualization
and overlaying with your custom geospatial data

WeatherLayers GL

High-performance interactive weather visualization layers and controls

Visualize weather data from any source

Layers (WebGL 2)

Raster, Contour, HighLow, Grid, Particle


Legend, Tooltip, Timeline, Attribution

Integrate with major mapping libraries

Globe (3D)

WeatherLayers Cloud

Cloud service providing visualization-ready weather data

Visualize weather data from public sources

Weather (NOAA GFS)

Wind, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Precipitation, Snow, Clouds, Radar, Solar, CAPE

Ocean (NOAA GFS Wave, Copernicus CMEMS)

Waves, Swell, Significant Wave Height, Currents, Tidal Currents, Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Ice Fraction

Air Quality (Copernicus CAMS)

CO, SO₂, NO₂, O₃, PM2.5, PM10

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